Make sure you don’t accidentally download the old version of the mod. Many nations have their own unique mechanics as well.

You can purchase equipment from the private sector, a new economic system. It also has thousands of new events, new units, new mechanics including DECON and MAD.
Hearts of iron 4 steam charts mod#
This mod features between 10-20 years worth of content for all the major powers, including some minors. There are plans to extend the timeline into the 1990’s. As implied by the title, it changes the setting to the Cold War period, with start dates ranging from 1949 through to 1970. This is a new mod that’s risen in popularity since we last did our checks. HOI4 – Texture Overhaul – Terrain (Cosmetic).HOI4 In Real Time! (Mechanics/Balance/why).Player-Led Peace Conferences (Mechanics/Balance).Millennium Dawn: Modern Day Mod (Total Conversion/Immersion).Hearts of Oak – Man the Guns (Total Conversion/Immersion).The Road to 56 (Total Conversion/Immersion).